Corporate Services

商 務 銷 售

Kee Wah's Corporate Services provides a variety of services that cater to the needs of our customers. 
From Business Gifting to Customization Service, we strive to make the
gifting experience unique to your needs. We also provide bulk orders for any events.
If you are interested in becoming a distributor, we also offer wholesale prices for any of our items.


Nobody will find fault with extra courtesy. Kee Wah Bakery provides complimentary gifting service for your business to build successful business-client bonds. Just provide an EXCEL mailing list of your VIP clients, we will individually pack & ship your selected mooncakes to them. For inquiries and more information, please get in touch with our team at

正所謂禮多人不怪,要成功與客人保持良好關係,奇華為大小企業提供的專業代客送禮服務能幫上忙。貴公司只需為提供一個Excel格式的郵件列表, 我們便會為貴公司包裝您為尊貴客戶選購的每盒禮餅,並代寄送達列表內之目的地。歡迎電郵至 與我們的團隊聯絡。


We work with businesses of all sizes to develop unique flavors and special designs. Marrying beloved traditions and modern innovations, we cater to just about every whim when it comes to flavor and design, Kee Wah is committed to using only the very best ingredients to ensure that every bite is pure quality. Our packaging is crafted with the same care and attention to detail as our pastries. From multi-tiered chests to uniquely designed gift boxes, our bespoke packaging service offers limitless possibilities. For inquiries about collaborating and customizing possibilities, please contact with our team at

奇華糅合傳統經典與現代創意,多年來堅持採用最上乘的食材,為商務客戶製了多種不同種類的餅食。至於產品訂製包裝,從多層式的禮盒或獨特設計靈感的禮盒,我們的訂制包裝服務均能為公司客戶提供無限的可能性。想了解更多,歡迎電郵至 與我們的商務銷售團隊聯絡, 我們很樂意為閣下訂制專有產品。


From corporate gifts, wedding favors, event treats to everyday snacks for clients, customers and staff, you’ll be proud to share Kee Wah delicacies. For ordering or more information about bulk buying, please contact our team at

奇華歡迎大量購買,如作公司禮物, 日常小食, 酒店、餐廳與活動訂製美點, 婚禮、節日與特殊日子訂製禮品等。歡迎電郵至 訂購/了解更多。


Want to have Kee Wah products sold to the customers in your area? Please get in touch with our team at, if you are interested in being a distributor/retailer of our products.

有興趣分銷或在您的店內販售奇華產品嗎?請電郵至 了解詳情。