

Q: When are Moon Cakes available?

A: Mooncakes are seasonal pastries and only available during the Mid-Autumn Festival of each year, around 3 months before Lunar Calendar August 15 (aka Moon Festival). They are generally available in August and September every year. Sign up to our newsletter at www.keewah.us and be the first to know about our newest arrivals, latest promotions and discounts. For corporate/large/customized order please email request to mooncake@keewah.us.

答:月餅是季節性的,每年農曆八月十五日的前三個月,即大約新曆七、八月才會開始有,到大約十月賣完。在 www.keewah.us 網頁訂閱我們的電子報,您就可以從我們這裡獲得每年月餅開賣的第一手消息!公司/量大/訂造的訂單可電郵至 mooncake@keewah.us。"

Q: Where are Kee Wah Moon Cakes made?

Mooncakes are made locally in the U.S.A., but we also offer Made in Hong Kong mooncakes for some customers' preference.


Q: What is the difference between Made in Hong Kong mooncakes and Made in USA mooncakes?

A: Made in Hong Kong mooncakes are imported from Hong Kong. Made in USA mooncakes are made locally in Los Angeles facility. There is no quality difference. Both use the same fine quality ingredients. On occasion, the yolks found in the imported mooncakes are more ""oily"" and more moist than the local made ones. This is due to the shortage of salted egg yolk supplies locally.


Q: Are there any allergy information for the mooncakes?

A: PLEASE DO NOT CONSUME if you are allergic to nuts, eggs, and dairy. Our moon cakes contain peanut oil and egg, and it is produced in a facility that processes cereals containing gluten, eggs, peanuts and their products.


Q: How long will my purchased Moon Cakes last?

A: There is no printed expiration date. However, you can find the Best-By date on either the outside of the moon cake gift box or you can find it printed individually on the back on the moon cake wrapper. Your purchased moon cakes are good for up to 8 months without opening its original packaging and keeping it in a cool dry place. Kee Wah moon cakes do not consist of preservatives. For longer preservation, please store in refrigerator. If wrapper is open, please consume within 7 days or store in refrigerator.

答:奇華月餅的包裝上並沒有印刷有效期,但您可以在月餅外盒, 或在單個月餅包裝袋上找到最佳建議食用日期。已購買的月餅在未開封和存放於陰涼乾燥處的情況下可以保質8個月之久。由於奇華月餅並沒有加入防腐劑, 若想長期保存, 請儲於冰箱內。如果包裝袋已被拆開, 請儲於冰箱內保鮮或在7天內食用完畢

Q: What if I cannot finish a whole mooncake?

A: You may put the unfinished portion in an air-tight bag/container and store in the fridge. Simply follow the heat up instruction below when you are ready to enjoy the moon cake again. To warm up a refrigerated moon cake, use microwave: 15-30 seconds on medium high or until it's warm to your preference, or oven: reheat it at 350 F for 6-10 minutes or until warm to your preference.

答: 您可以把未食用完畢之月餅放入一個密實拉鏈袋中, 再存放於冰箱。到下次想食用時, 用微波爐以中高溫加熱15至30秒, 或放進焗爐以350度加熱6至10分鐘, 或直至達到您喜愛的溫度為止

Q: Do you have store in New York?

A: We do not have store in New York. But we do have an authorized distributor in New York (address below). Please call them at (212) 966-1080, to find out what other vendors they also distributes to. Po Wing Hong Food Market: 49 Elizabeth Street Ground Floor, New York, NY 10013

答:奇華在紐約沒有分店,但有寶榮行食品中心為授權代理分銷商。想知道更多有售買奇華產品的其他零售商資料,可撥電(212) 966-1080。寶榮行食品中心地址:49 Elizabeth Street Ground Floor, New York, NY 10013


Q: When are Moon Cakes available?

A: Mooncakes are seasonal pastries and only available during the Mid-Autumn Festival of each year, around 3 months before Lunar Calendar August 15 (aka Moon Festival). They are generally available in August and September every year. Sign up to our newsletter at www.keewah.us and be the first to know about our newest arrivals, latest promotions and discounts. For corporate/large/customized order please email request to mooncake@keewah.us.

答:月餅是季節性的,每年農曆八月十五日的前三個月,即大約新曆七、八月才會開始有,到大約十月賣完。在 www.keewah.us 網頁訂閱我們的電子報,您就可以從我們這裡獲得每年月餅開賣的第一手消息!公司/量大/訂造的訂單可電郵至 mooncake@keewah.us。"

Q: How do I order Chinese Bridal Cakes?

A: To order our bridal cakes, you will need to fill out the order form that pops up when you click the add-to-cart button. Once we receive your order, one of our staffs will contact you to confirm the order details, such as shipping date, required date, quantity, packaging etc, in order to make sure our customer will receive the order correctly and on time. After that, an invoice through email will be sent to you for online payment, we will start the production once the money is confirmed receipt.


Q: How long will my purchased Bridal Cakes arrive?

A: Our bridal cakes are made to order, please order 4 weeks in advance to assure adequate time to process and deliver.


Q: How long will my purchased Chinese Bridal Cakes last?

A: They are freshly made to order and perishable. Please consume within 5-7 days upon receipt.


Q: What to do if I want to make Large, Corporate, or Customized Order?

A: For general corporate/bulk order please email to cs@keewah.us. For Mooncakes corporate order/customization, please email to mooncake@keewah.us.

答:一般的公司/量大的訂單請電郵至 cs@keewah.us 。而有關月餅的公司訂購/度身訂造訂單請電郵至 mooncake@keewah.us


Q: Are Kee Wah products made In Hong Kong / U.S.A.?

A: We offer products both MADE IN HONG KONG and U.S.A. They are specified in each item listing. Short cakes, bridal cakes, yolk cakes, wife cakes, homemade cookies are freshly made in our US facility.


Q: How long will my purchased egg rolls, cookies or other snacks last?

A: A Best By date can be found on the product. However, your cookies are good for 4 to 6 months without opening its original packaging when being kept in a cool dry place. If you have further question, please contact us.

答: 您可以在產品包裝袋上找到最佳建議食用日期。已購買的奇華蛋卷, 曲奇或其他小食在未開封和存放於陰涼乾燥處的情況下可以保質4至6個月之久


Q: How do I use my reward points?

A: Rewards points earned directly on our national website (www.KeeWah.us) can be used and redeemed automatically next time you check out on the website. Please visit our reward program page (reward program page address) for details.

答:積分可從於 www.keewah.us 網購時所賺取,而在下一次在此網購結賬時選擇兌換使用。詳情請瀏覧網購積分計劃 (Reward program page address)。"

Q: Can I use my reward points at other Kee Wah sites?

A: Rewards/star points earned on our local website (www.keewahla.com) or at any of our South California stores cannot be redeemed at this website (www.KeeWah.us). Those points can be redeemed on www.KeeWahLA.com or any or our 4 retail stores in Southern California. Points are not interchangeable between www.KeeWah.us and www.KeeWahLA.com.

答: 在 www.KeeWah.us (美國國內郵寄網站) 得到的網購積分只適用於www.KeeWah.us ,而並不通用於 www.KeeWahLA.com (洛杉磯本地分店網站) 或其他奇華網站

Q: Can I use paper gift card?

A: We do not accept Paper Gift cards on websites. You can redeem Paper Gift Cards at any of our Kee Wah Bakery around the world.


Q: Can I use Gift Card (plastic card)?

A: Plastic Gift Card can only be used at our Southern California local stores or online at www.KEEWAHLA.com
